Discover the simplicity of shopping savings with DiscountCalculator byNSDev, your go-to tool for effortlessly calculating discounted prices in Japanese yen. Input your total amount, choose your desired discount rate, and let the app do the rest. Customize your experience with adjustable text sizes for easy reading and configurable discount rate buttons. Plus, tailor your usage with optional sound and vibration feedback. Perfect for budget-conscious shoppers, DiscountCalculator byNSDev helps ensure you always know exactly what you're saving.
Simplify your shopping experience by quickly determining how much you can save on each purchase. With easy-to-use features, you get an instant visualization of the final price after applying the selected discount. This handy utility is designed to help you shop smarter, enabling you to make informed decisions about your purchases.
When it's time to check out at the cashier, you won’t have to wonder about the amount you're spending. DiscountCalculator byNSDev clearly displays the original price as well as the discounted total, so you can confidently make your purchase knowing you've secured the best deal available.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 4.1, 4.1.1 or higher required
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